Bruna Damiana Heinsfeld is a Brazilian person living in the US. She is an Assistant Professor at the University of Minnesota and holds a PhD in Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching, focused on Learning, Design, and Technology. Among her research interests are critical perspectives and discourses toward educational technology, technological capital, and digital equity. And she is also a gamer.

Erin Ching (she/her) is an adoptee who works in non-profits to support positive change in the world. She is grateful to be a part of the WK community.

Radhika Bhardwaj lives in picturesque Dehradun valley and is passionate about making a positive impact with her work globally. She believes in adding her design flair to everything she does, enjoys reading poetry, fiction and philosophy. She has extraordinary culinary skills and is often torn between coffee and chai.

My name is Siddharth and I’m a 15-year-old boy from England. I volunteer for Whose Knowledge? because I believe in spreading awareness of the problems that Whose Knowledge? tackles with my peers and teenagers like me. My interests are cricket, technology, coding, science and sometimes cooking!.

Soizic Pénicaud (she/her) lives in France and is passionate about languages, the Internet, and trying to do her part in fighting against capitalism, the patriarchy and all systems of oppression. When she isn’t doing nerdy things, she enjoys eating, photography, yoga and traveling (preferably by foot, bike or train).

Sourav Roy. Since 1998, I’ve seen the Internet knowledgescape change from a verdant forest in Web 1.0 to a walled garden in Web 2.0. Now it’s becoming a castle with mirrored mazes. I want to turn it back into the forest. Am a helpful, hopeful, part-domesticated animal. Into difficult pleasures. Queer.

Paulo Sousa Pinto is a #VisibleWikiWomen campaign volunteer, and future communicator.