Numun is the Sumerian word for “Seed.” The Numun Fund is the first dedicated fund for feminist technology in and for the Global South.
The fund aims to support feminist groups, organizations and networks led by women, non-binary and trans people in the Global South, who use technology to advance feminist organizing and gender-just outcomes.
Some feminist groups are extremely sophisticated in their use of digital technologies and tools, while others need their technological capacities strengthened and sustained. This fund intends to support groups on this continuum, to connect, seed and sustain feminist engagement with this reality.
The Numun Fund will seed and resource a growing ecosystem of feminist engagement with technology in order to:
- Support Feminist Tech Infrastructure
- Build Feminist Resilience
- Foster Feminist Tech Creativity and Innovation
The Numun Fund has been co-created through the shared vision and activism of Jac sm Kee, Esra’a Al Shafei (Majal), and Anasuya Sengupta (Whose Knowledge?), in partnership with Prospera and Women Win. It will be led by a team of organizations and individuals located within different geographies with diverse expertise, including Majal, Whose Knowledge?, feminist tech activist Jac sm Kee, and housed in Women Win. A volunteer advisory committee will oversee the governance and awarding of grants.
Funders with an interest in supporting human rights and gender justice work, including through technology, will be encouraged to make grants to this fund.