State of the Internet’s Languages Report
The internet we know is not even close to being as multilingual and multimodal as we are in physical, embodied, life. To be multilingual is to honor and affirm the full richness and textures of our many selves and our different worlds better. But what would a truly multilingual and multimodal internet look, feel, and sound like?
Frequently Asked Questions #VisibleWikiWomen 2021 campaign
We have compiled questions brought up by #VisibleWikiWomen participants throughout the campaign in this new FAQ resource. It will help participants, partners, and allies, to have a better experience when bringing their images online. Take a look and find the answer to that doubt that has been bugging you! If you don't find what you are looking for, drop us a line with your question and we will incorporate it—this is a work in progress!
Slow and spacious: feminist practices of care during Covid-19
Within our own team, we had to strengthen our feminist practices of care to cope with the pandemic’s effects on ourselves, our families and communities. This pattern aims to help you adapt these practices to your own context.
Whose Knowledge Prospectus 2021-2023
Read about Whose Knowledge? programs, initiatives and plans for the 2021 - 2023 period.
Guide for Cultural and Memory Institutions to make women visible on Wikipedia
This guide has been created to support GLAM institutions to join and participate in #VisibleWikiWomen.
Decolonizing the Internet’s Languages – Summary Report
What came out of Decolonizing the Internet's Languages 20219 gathering? Don't miss out this report full of insights and reflections from participants.
Adicionando imagens ao Wikimedia Commons e à Wikipédia: o que fazer e o que não fazer
Este guia ajudará você a entender quais tipos de imagens são permitidas nos projetos da Wikimedia.
Como pedir doações de imagens
Você está procurando um retrato de uma mulher contemporânea notável, mas não há nenhuma disponível sob uma licença de uso livre. Você pode usar ou adaptar esses rascunhos para pedir que a pessoa doe sua foto.
Criando desenhos para a Wikipédia
Este guia explica como criar desenhos de uma pessoa a partir de fotos para fazer o upload na Wikipédia.
Obtendo e dando consentimento para imagens na Wikipédia
Se você estiver enviando uma imagem criada por outra pessoa (o que significa que ela possui os direitos sobre essa imagem), será necessário mostrar que você tem permissão para liberá-la com uma licença gratuita.