Como encontrar imagens na internet para ilustrar a Wikipédia
Se você não tiver suas próprias fotos ou ilustrações para compartilhar durante a campanha #VisibleWikiWomen, poderá pesquisar on-line e encontrar imagens para fazer o envio, para uso na Wikipédia.
Como adicionar imagens para fazer mulheres mais visíveis na Wikipédia e na internet
Você pode adicionar sua imagem à Wikipédia como parte da campanha #VisibleWikiWomen. Não sabe por onde começar? Aqui estão 5 etapas básicas.
The full series!
This resource brings together the previous four parts of "Our Stories Our Knowledges" that we have published over November 2018.
Part 1: Decolonizing our stories and knowledges
A guide for supporting marginalized communities in sharing their knowledge online, and to encourage allies who wish to help with this work.
Part 2: Transformative practices for building community knowledge
A set of practices and tools for creating, growing, and sharing marginalized community’s knowledge online.
Part 3: Adding our knowledge to Wikipedia
A guide to understand why we have decided to create and share our knowledge on Wikipedia, and how we’re doing this work.
Part 4: How to Ally and Be a Good Guest
Recommendations for how to be a respectful guest and supportive co-conspirator with marginalized communities.
Decolonizing the Internet 2018 Summary Report
Learn about the themes, visions, goals, actions, and next steps for the future that came out of Decolonizing the Internet 2018 conference.
About Whose Knowledge? Flyer
A4 printable flyer with information about Whose Knowledge?, including our initiatives, principles, and how to contact us.
2018 VisibleWikiWomen Campaign in Retrospect
What is #VisibleWikiWomen, why and how it was undertaken, what we achieved and learned, and how we see the future from there.