The internet is nowhere near as multilingual as we imagine or need it to be. Roughly 10 colonial or regionally dominant languages rule the internet – so what happens to the over 7000 spoken or signed languages on the planet online?
Our podcast, Whose Voices?, is back with a new season focussing on languages, taking our work on knowledge justice, language tech and feminist digital infrastructures even further. For this season we bring six mini episodes featuring conversations with thoughtful, powerful folks working to reclaim our many languages beyond English on the internet. These interviews took place a little while ago, but are still relevant and crucial today.
Rewind back to 2022, and read our State of the Internet’s Languages report (now also available in International Sign!), for the first in-depth look into the internet’s (lack of) multilinguality, and what that means for folks in and from the Global South/Global Majority when they come online in a marginalized language.
Not only that, our Whose Voices? website has had a new lick of paint – refreshed for all the feminist podcasting magic happening this year!
Listen to the podcasts below, and stay tuned for weekly releases starting on 1 March 2023.
- Jessica Horn and the need to center languages of struggle from the African continent
- Ana Alonso and the shifting attitudes toward Zapotec indigenous languages
- Majd Al-Shihabi and the mission to produce more knowledge and archives in Arabic
- Subhashish Panigrahi and meaningful access to the internet in South Asia and beyond
- Theresa Sainty and the path to revive the palawa kani language
- Wangui Wa Goro and the role of new media content in decolonizing knowledge