Towards equitable open access – how do we get there?

« If we think about publishing itself, there’s a history that often many of us don’t know before Gutenberg’s Bible in 1454, which is that Korea and China were publishing from the 7th Century onward, why don’t we think about publishing as being much more worldwide than just European? When we think about the university, the oldest university in the world was set up in Fez in the 9th century by a Muslim woman, Fatima al-Fihri, when we think about academia, why don’t we think about Muslim women and their contributions? […] We also know that science is not neutral o ahistorical […] the age of enlightenment, for instance, was also the Age of Empire and, as Sudip said, the often male white scientists of Europe and North America could not have done their research without the cognitive and material resources violently extracted from the colonies. »

Watch Anasuya Sengupta, Whose Knowledge? co-founder and co-director, speaking at the « Towards equitable open access – how do we get there? » panel at the « OASPA 2022 Annual Conference », organized by the Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association.

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