Deep dive into Decolonizing Structured Data resource list

Duotone image of fists raised in the air, holding cellphones with the text 'deep dive into decolonizing structured data' above it.

A non-exhaustive list about structured data and AI created by Whose Knowledge? in collaboration with Decolonizing Structured Data Learning Circle participants.


Wikidata: why we contribute to the robot epistemology by Maari Maitreyi | Blog post

Step-by-Step, No-Code « Ontology » ANYONE Can Learn by Ashleigh Faith | Video

Decolonizing the Internet’s Structured Data by Whose Knowledge? | Report and Video

Small pieces, loosely joined by David Weinberger | Book

Cómo enseñar con Wikidata by Wikimedia Chile | Report 

Wikimedia Australia and First Nations Metadata: ATSILIRN Protocols for Description and Access by Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education & Research and Wikimedia Australia | Discussion Paper 

Creative ideas + tools 

Excavating AI. The Politics of Images in Machine Learning Training Sets by Kate Crawford and Trevor Paglen | Art project

Lesan | open source AI powered translation tool for Ethiopian languages

Flickypedia | streamlines the transmission of Flickr images into the Wikimedia Commons

Aural Archipelago | online repository of music from around Indonesia

Structured Data Across Wikimedia | a project that helps structure content on wikitext pages


For Opacity by Edouard Glissant | Book chapter

Transbordatos curated by Carolina Matos | Conference series

What is it like to edit Wikipedia when you’re blind? Meet Graham Pearce by Tony Souter | Signpost article

Is Wikipedia usable for the blind? by Marina Buzzi and Barbara Leporini | Conference paper

Mind the (Language) Gap: Generation of Multilingual Wikipedia Summaries from Wikidata for ArticlePlaceholders | Conference paper


Whose Knowledge?

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