Reading Lists Translations العربيةEnglish الإبادة الثقافية في فلسطين: قائمة مصادر كيف يتم استخدام المحو المقصود للميراث التاريخي والثقافي الفلسطيني كوسيلة حرب، وما هي التأثيرات بعيدة المدى على المجتمع والهوية الفلسطينية؟ Whose Knowledge?
Reading Lists Caste, tech and resistance resource list Our resource list about caste, tech and resistance is a collection of different ways caste-oppressed people navigate the Internet, and resist discrimination on, and offline. Whose Knowledge?أبريل 10, 2024
Reading Lists Solidarity with Palestine: reading and resource list A non-exhaustive list of readings, podcast episodes, videos, profiles to follow, and other resources in support of the Palestinian struggle. Whose Knowledge?ديسمبر 12, 2023
Reading Lists What would it be then, a plural public domain? Welcome to a public reading list and glossary about the Public Domain and related themes started by Whose Knowledge?. Whose Knowledge?أكتوبر 2, 2023
Reading Lists Deep dive into Decolonizing Structured Data resource list Ever wanted to find out more about the basics of structured data, or how to understand it from an anti-oppressions lens? This reading list is for you. Download Whose Knowledge?أكتوبر 18, 2023