The event below has passed.

Celebrating Women and Non-Binary People in the Workplace
In this #VisibleWikiWomen photo-a-thon, Whose Knowledge?, the Flickr community and a network of wikimedians and feminists, will partner together to create feminist memory online. Based on a previous initiative ¡Alto, Mujeres trabajando!, we will highlight and celebrate the women and non-binary people who work in historically cis-male-dominated workplaces, and the history of their fight for labour rights (maternity leave, equal pay, bathrooms, sexual harassment legislation etc.) on Wikipedia.
📢 This is a call to action for photographers, especially women and non binary folks from the Global South!
Our #VisibleWikiWomen photo-a-thon is a multi-day event starting on September 12, 2022 and running until September 16, via Zoom. Workshops and coffee hours will be held in English and Spanish 👇🏿
- Spanish workshop on September 12, 5PM UTC
- English workshop on September 13, 5PM UTC
- Spanish coffee shop hour on September 14, 8PM UTC
- English coffee shop hour on September 15, 5PM UTC
- Online photo showcase and celebration on September 16, 5PM UTC
And, if you can’t attend our live events, join us in remotely uploading pictures throughout the week!
How do I participate?
The events are free, but registration is needed. Please register here.
What will we do?
Together, we will learn how to add photos to Wikipedia, and how to release them under free licenses on Flickr and Wikimedia Commons. We will also learn about the importance of image’s metadata to create feminist memory online, and the key aspects of obtaining proper consent to share other people’s images.
The complete journey of this #VisibleWikiWomen photo-a-thon includes Zoom training sessions in English and Spanish, and coffee hours where participants can ask questions and share their experiences participating in the campaign.
Our goals
To make women and non-binary folks in the workspace visible online through:
- Bringing together photographers and artists in a communal effort to illustrate Wikipedia;
- Learning how to share photos on Flickr with Creative Commons licenses and on Wikimedia Commons and other Wikimedia projects; and,
- Image rights basics that prioritise sharing photos of people online respectfully and safely.
See you then! 📸
Did you miss the event?
Watch our recording of the online showcase below!
The event below has passed.

Celebrating Women and Non-Binary People of African Descent in STEM
Join our #VisibleWikiWomen edit-a-thon with 500 Women Scientists to celebrate the contributions of women and non-binary people of African descent in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) and to ameliorate the erasure of their labor, voices and stories on Wikipedia.
This online event is against the backdrop of the celebration of the United Nations International Day for People of African Descent on August 31, 2022, and in solidarity with many other commemorations around the world that demonstrates the resilience of Afro-descendant people across the diaspora.
No editing experience required!
Mark your calendar! The #VisibleWikiWomen edit-a-thon is taking place on August 31, 2022 from 13:00 to 15:00 UTC (09:00 to 11:00 EST), via Zoom.
How to participate?
The event is free, but registration is needed. Please register here.
What will we do?
Together, we will learn how to add photos to Wikipedia, and how to release them under free licenses on Wikimedia Commons. We will also learn about the importance of image’s metadata to create feminist memory online, and the key aspects of obtaining proper consent to share other people’s images.
Our goals
Our main goal is to make African Descent women and non-binary folks in STEM visible online, through bringing together our communities in a common effort to:
- Upload their images to Wikimedia Commons
- Adding structured data
- Creating entries to Wikidata
- Illustrate Wikipedia
We are looking forward to seeing you there! 📸
Did you miss the event?
Watch the recording below!