Structured data is at the core of how the Internet — as we currently know it — works. They are pieces of information organized in such a way that they can be easily read, understood, and processed by machines. Massive amounts of data get sorted, organized, classified, and linked to other pieces of data. Like any piece of knowledge, these data points are informed and structured by and around specific regulations, traditions, and epistemologies.
In August 2023, over 30 participants from more than 15 countries were brought together for lively and insightful conversations on decolonizing the Internet’s structured data. The discussions were held ahead of Wikimania 2023 in Singapore, both virtually and in person, and were organized by Whose Knowledge? as a continuation of the Decolonizing the Internet’s Structured Data event in 2021. This report is a snapshot of the provocations, reflections, and happy speculations that emerged from our collective thinking about structured data.
Read more about the Deep Diving into Decolonizing Structured Data gathering in the full report available for download below.
Report Whose Knowledge? Community Knowledge, Marginalized Communities, Wikipedia